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Web design

All of our websites are designed from scratch under your direction. We work along side you to design a site that you like and and one that will meet your clinics needs. You can take comfort in knowing that you will be part of the design process every step of the way to ensure you are getting exactly what you expected out of your website. Give us your vision and we will make it a reality.


Many businesses that we started working with were using very outdated website designs. While very basic websites use to be very effective, these types of site will not score many points in todays digital market. 


Our economy has become a virtual market - meaning that no matter where a potential patient may hear about you, they are bound to "Google" you first and check out your website. This is why it is so important to design a website that is very visually appealing and user friendly. 


In order to have success in the digital market place, you much have a strong foundation, which in this case, is your website. A great marketing campaign will fail and end up winning patients for your competition with out this strong base. So make sure you follow a few key points when developing your website:


  1.  Make sure your website is SIMPLE and not overly crowded. 

  2. Assign each page a clear goal that you want your visitors to complete... i.e. "Get a free consultation", "Schedule an Appointment" etc.

  3. Make the actions above are so easy to complete a kid could do it.

  4. Make sure your site is mobile friendly. Meaning everything from above is even easier to complete and simpler.

  5. Fill your site with content. Pictures are great but text helps you get found on search engines.

  6. Make sure all of your contact info is correct and easy to find. On mobile make sure your phone number is clickable so that people don't have to jump back and forth between the phone and the browser. Make it as SIMPLE as possible for your users.

Wasatchfai Website Screen Shot.png
ifitpodiatry Website Screen Shot.png
Treasurevfa Website Screen Shot.png
Bay Area Podiatry Group Screen Shot.png
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